Relax-and-Cut for Maximum Weight Connected Subgraph Problems

This site contains accompanying material to the paper

by Eduardo Alvarez-Miranda and Markus Sinnl.

Download the Code

The code associated with the paper can be downloaded by clicking here. Note that this program is intended to be run under Linux x64. Boost libraries are needed for compliation. Please see the makefile for details. Note that in this code, only the Relax-and-Cut is available to make it independent of CPLEX.

The compiled program can be run by

./mwcs -f myinstancefilename

The instance format must be the MWCS or PCSPG format, see 4 (see this link also for instances). If you use the PCSPG format, the instance must have uniform edge-weights, as our code online applies to this cas of the problem (which can be transferred to MWCS).

For more details on possible input parameters, try

./mwcs --help